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Partner: Clevry (Assessment)

Activate the campaign on

Benedykt Tyminski avatar
Written by Benedykt Tyminski
Updated over a week ago

To activate a Clevry campaign in Teamtailor, you need to firstly create the campaign on the Clevry platform and then activate the integration before you can create the job vacancy in Teamtailor. You will need to do this for each campaign that you create, following the steps below:

  1. Log into the platform and go to the “Campaigns” tab

  2. Create a new campaign or mark an existing campaign that you want to activate the integration for. Once you have marked the campaign, select “Update Campaign”

  3. Click on “Advanced Setup” and then “Advanced Campaigns Settings”.

  4. Scroll down to the “Teamtailor” feature and select “Modify”

  5. Finally, select “Available” and then click “Save” and “Save” again at the next page. Then move to Teamtailor where you can create the job vacancy.

Go to Teamtailor

Next, you will need to create a job vacancy in Teamtailor. Once, you have done this, follow the steps below.

  1. Select “TRIGGERS” to add the tests to one of the columns associated to that vacancy. This means the test is automatically sent to the candidate the first time the candidate is moved into this stage.

  2. Choose which column you would like to send out the tests from (e.g. Reviewing). Top tip: Clevry recommends adding your assessments early into the recruitment process. This helps with the sifting of candidates, reduces bias and helps create positive and accurate interviews.

  3. Select “Send Test Clevry”

  4. Next, you will see a list of the campaigns you have created and activated on the Clevry platform. Choose the correct campaign for the job vacancy, then select “Add trigger”. Once you have done this, you will see a wand above the column, which shows that the campaign is activated in Teamtailor. When you move a candidate to this column, they will automatically receive an invitation to complete the assessments in that campaign.

  5. Once you have activated the campaign you can send out the tests by moving the candidate to the column you added the tests to. To double check that they have received the invite to complete the assessments, open up the candidate’s profile and go to “Activity”. If the invite has been sent, it should say “A trigger sent test using Clevry”.

  6. When your candidate has completed the assessments, you will receive a notification on your Teamtailor platform to let you know.

  7. Click on the candidate, and you will see the status of the test is complete. You will also see a quick summary of the test when you click ‘view details’, please note that the score out of 100 does not reflect ability when it comes to personality questionnaires. The scores are simply trying to paint a picture of their personality.

  8. On the candidate card, you will also be able to find the reports you can download to analyse, and use in your next stage. When you download a report, it downloads as a zip file with the candidate name, so you can safely and accurately store them for when you need them.

    Top Tip: For more information on our Clevry reports, please visit our Clevry help centre at (password: clevryhelp).

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