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Use your own domain

Set up your custom domain.

David Wennergren avatar
Written by David Wennergren
Updated over a week ago

If you want to use your own domain, start by reading the instructions in this article, you should be able to get all the answers you need. 

1. Decide what subdomain you want to use

First, choose the domain you want to use for your career site. This is usually something like  or Keep in mind that only subdomains are supported.

When you’ve made up your mind, go to your DNS provider (where you manage all your domain settings). There you’ll set up a CNAME for that domain, and point it to the correct domain. This domain you should use will be presented in the Settings -> Domain & SSL.

Follow the instructions below 👇🏻 

2. Prepare your DNS

  1. Sign in to your account at your Domain host platform. 

  2. In your DNS provider, locate the page for updating your domain's DNS records. The page might be called something like DNS Management, Name Server Management, or Advanced Settings.

  3. Add the CNAME record pointing to the exact address presented in the Teamtailor platform under Settings -> Domain & SSL*

  4. Add the TXT record for our root domain with the extant content presented in the Teamtailor platform under Settings -> Domain & SSL*

  5. Save your changes and wait until they take effect.

* In the settings for Domain & SSL, you will see where to point your CNAME to as well as your unique TXT record.

In this example, the value is Make sure to use the one listed in your account. It might be if you’re working with our US based system.
Please also note that ext does not represent ‘example’, you need to use the exact value presented.

3. Add your domain in Teamtailor

When the CNAME setup is completed, login to Teamtailor and go to Settings->Domain. Enter the chosen domain name to complete the setup of your own domain. 

All custom domain is automatically secured with SSL. This will make sure that all traffic will be served over HTTPS (Secure connection on your career site).  

After you’ve verified the domain there may be a slight delay before your career site is secured with SSL.

💡 Want to use your Teamtailor career site as your main website, see instructions here.


Could not validate domain

Make sure LetsEncrypt is allowed to generate a certificate for your domain. This is also something you setup at your DNS provider. If you don’t know how to add a CAA record, contact your DNS providers support. 

Add a CAA (Certification Authority Authorization) record to your DNS allowing to generate SSL certificates on your root domain. Make sure you have added a CAA record to your DNS with the following data:

0 issue ""

Use to verify that your CAA record is setup correctly. Once CAA is correct your can click the "Try again" button under Settings->Domain.

All DNS providers don’t support CAA records, in that case, follow these two steps:

  1. Contact your DNS provider and ask them to setup a CAA record for you. 

  2. Order and generate your own SSL certificate. Your DNS provider will probably be able to help you with that. After that, send it to us at

Once you have set up your custom domain, you will also be able to see location data in your career site analytics page.

Other errors

CNAME lookup failed

The given CNAME pointed correctly to could not be found. Please check that it is correctly pointed to in your DNS settings at your web host and not something else. You can check what your CNAME is pointing to with a DNS record checker, like MXToolbox or Digwebinterface.

If you are not sure how to check and verify that, please contact your web host’s support for help.

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