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Publish jobs on Arbetsförmedlingen

How to promote your job postings on Arbetsförmedlingen

Emelie avatar
Written by Emelie
Updated over a week ago

In order to be able to publish ads via Teamtailor to Arbetsförmedlingen, you will need to activate "direktöverförda annonser" (automatically transferred ads) for your AMS account. This can be done by clicking "Anmäl intresse" and logging in here.

Once automatically transferred ads is approved by Arbetsförmedlingen you need to retrieve the following details from your account:

  • Swedish organization number (organisationsnummer)

  • Sender ID (kundnummer)

  1. When you have your Sender ID, visit the Promote tab on a published job in Teamtailor.

  2. Click on the channel.

  3. Add your Sender ID and your organization number if it is not already added.

If a job posting can't be be published on Arbetsförmedlingen, an error message will appear under the Promote tab. This might be because:

  • Your Sender ID is missing in our system

  • Your Sender ID is incorrect in our system

  • The job postings Location is incorrect

  • Your AMS account is not approved for automatically transferred ads

Please get in touch with our support team via chat or email, with your Sender ID and we will help you! 

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