When publishing jobs, a good way to reach potential candidates is by promoting the jobs on the different channel integrations we offer in the promote tab. If you would like to target candidates that are located in Norway then Finn.no is a great option. Finn.no is Norway´s largest marketplace.
To be able to publish your ads on Finn.no you need to activate the integration in the marketplace section on your Teamtailor account :
Once the integration is activated in the marketplace, head over to the, Company settings --> Marketplace activations --> Finn.no and fill in the Client ID here after you have retrieved it from Finn.no :
“The Finn.no client ID should be in the following format: {company_name}abcd1234 - If the Client ID is incorrect you need to reach out to Finn.no for the correct client ID.”
1. When you have your Client ID, head over to the Promote tab on a published job inside Teamtailor :
2. Click on the channel Finn.no:
3. Fill in the form and press the pink publish button in the bottom right corner in order to promote the job 🚀:
Contact: kundeservice@finn.no and kundesenteret@finn.no
How can I unpublish my job at Finn.no?
In order to unpublish/cancel your promotion on Finn.no you need to archive the job inside Teamtailor :
Finn.no will then receive this delete request in our feed and remove the job from their end.
How can I repost my job on Finn.no from Teamtailor?
To repost a previously archived job on Finn.no, or to renew it after its original duration has elapsed, you must purchase a new promotion within the 'Promote' tab of the job, as outlined at the beginning of the article.
Can I use my existing agreement with Finn.no?
Yes, you can use your existing agreement with Finn.no when promoting your job through Teamtailor.
Who is the sender of my invoices when promoting jobs on Finn.no through Teamtailor?
Finn.no is the invoice sender, which means if your job is not successfully promoted, we have not invoiced you for the ad.
Why is my ad not published?
Make sure that the location picked for your job contains a full address with a ZIP code included:
Make sure that the credentials that you have added inside your Finn.no settings are the correct ones according to your Finn.no account. Company settings --> Marketplace activations --> Finn.no :