With Teamtailor, you can seamlessly integrate many of the industry’s top HR services, streamlining your recruitment process and enhancing efficiency. Explore our Marketplace to discover the partners we work with and see how these integrations make Teamtailor the ultimate one-stop shop for all your hiring needs.
Our partners are organized into categories such as Assessments, CRM, E-signing, Employer Branding, HR Systems, Reference Checking, and more.
Job boards and channels are available across different markets to ensure your job ads reach the right audience.
Activate an integration
You can access the Teamtailor Marketplace inside your account through the navigation menu at the top:
Here, you can learn more about the available partners and job boards, and initiate the activation process.
Create your own integration
Using a partner or job board not yet available in Marketplace?
Read more about how you can create your own integrations in the articles below:
Integrate your HR/recruitment tool with Teamtailor
Integrate your job board with Teamtailor