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Account settings
Account setup and management
Billing informationLearn how to add your billing information, view subscription details and setup credit card information for in-app purchases
Automatically add tasks for your new users using To-do templatesCustomize a set of to-dos to ensure a smooth onboarding for your new users
Hiring widgetImplement a badge or banner widget on your website
Use our Teamtailor APIWhat is the Teamtailor API and how can you work with it?
Navigate Teamtailor faster using the quick navigationSpeed up your workflow with powerful shortcuts and commands
Create your Employee template settingChange the default employee settings to be applied to new employees.
Organize your Teamtailor account using TagsLearn how to work with Tags and Tag manager
Apply with LinkedInLet your candidates apply to your jobs using their LinkedIn profile
General company settingsChoose the default settings for your Teamtailor account
Finance FAQFrequently asked questions on billing, and other finance-related topics
Easy sign-up for employees using Auto joinAuto join allows anyone with your company email domain to create a user, without the need to be invited first
Delete a userRemove an Employee from your account
Question types overviewGet familiar with the different question types available in Teamtailor
Invite users and select the right accessAn outline of the different access rights to Teamtailor
Structure your Teamtailor assetsEnsure better organization for your Message templates and Questions
Setting up a Requisition flowHow to set up a default or custom flow
Create a new RequisitionGet an approval to be able to create a new job
How to approve and deny RequisitionsLearn about the approval process for requisitions and your role as an approver
Requisition tabsLearn about the information found in a requisition