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Add your logo to your career site

This how you add a logo to your career site

Jonathan avatar
Written by Jonathan
Updated over a week ago

The logo is in the top of your career site and will present your company to the candidate. This is how you choose which logo you'll use to represent your company ✨ 

This is the logo of the career site

This is the icon that shows the logotype of your company and it will follow through all of the pages the candidate navigates, allowing the candidate to have the option to click on the icon and always come back to career site.

Adding the logotype

You add/edit your logotypes under your career site’s Global design settings. You access the Global design by clicking on the big brush in the top right corner of your content editor, or the brush in the bottom left of the page’s editor.

Here, you will find the settings for your logotypes at the top of the page. You’ll notice that you have three types of logotypes: Default, Optional, and Favicon. To learn more about your Favicon, check out this article.

Default logotype

The logo added here is the default logotype. This will be used in external communication (added to emails, as well as used for some external promotions), so make sure it looks good on a white background. 

Optional logotype 

You can also have an Optional logotype, which will only be displayed on your career site. This logotype will not be included in any external communication. This is what you want to use if you are intending on using a white logo on your career site.

💡 You’ll see a helpful preview of what your logos will look like on a white/grey the right hand side of the page when viewing your global design. The logotype displayed on white is your default, and grey your optional.

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