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Building your career site

In order to hire the best talents you need to set-up a stellar career site

Suzan avatar
Written by Suzan
Updated over a week ago

In order to hire the best talents you need to set-up a stellar career site. With Teamtailor that's easily done.

Start by heading over to Content in your main menu. This will take you to your content editor.

Under Career site you edit your main career site. Your career site is built on different content blocks, and you can choose in which order you want to display the different sections by dragging the section. If you want to remove a specific section, just click the three dots to the right. To add or edit text in the sections, simply click them.

Keep reading: check out these articles to learn how to build the best career site for your company:

  • Get familiar with the different Content blocks you can choose from

  • See how to work with Accessibility on your career site

  • Customize the page’s fonts, logos, and colors to match your brand in the global design

  • Want to use a custom domain? Great, take a look here!

  • See how to SEO optimize your career site

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