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Promotions overview
Promotions overview

Get valuable insight in all your purchased promotions

Ester avatar
Written by Ester
Updated over a month ago

To boost the reach of your job postings, and to make sure you find the right candidate, you can promote your job listings on external channels (social media and job boards). To be able to follow up on your purchased promotions (you want to ensure you get the most bang for your buck right?), let’s look into the Promotions overview.

In your main menu, you’ll find the tab called Promotions. This is where it’s all at! Here you get an overview of all your purchased promotions for all your jobs, meaning you see an overview of jobs where you are a hiring team member. If you’re a user with the access level Company admin, you see all jobs.

Insight in a specific job

Let’s look at a specific job in the overview, to go through what insight you see.

  • All purchased promotions (if any). Per promotion, you see:

    • Price of the promotion

    • Time left of the promotion

    • Number of views generated from the promotion

    • Number of applications submitted by visitors via the promotion

    • For some channels, you have the option to edit and/or refresh the promotion too.

  • Summarized statistics on the job (all promotions combined):

    • Total promotion spending on the job (all promotions combined)

    • Total views generated by all promotions on the job

    • Total applications generated by all promotions on the job

If you haven’t created any promotions for the job yet, you have the option of adding a promotion right away or reaching out to us to get advice from our experts (free of charge, of course)!

Use filters to find the relevant information

To make sure you find the relevant jobs/promotions, make sure to check out the filters on the Promotions page. The filters you can utilize are:

  • My jobs: see all jobs where you are a hiring team member

  • Hide expired promotions: hide all jobs that contain expired promotions to only see active promotions

  • Hide jobs without promotions: hide all jobs where you have yet to create a promotion

  • Select channel: get insight into the results of specific channels only

  • Status: if you only want to see jobs with a specific Job status

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