With Guided recruitment we make it easier for you to to set and achieve goals in your recruitment. Let's take a look at Deadline.
Add a deadline to the stages in your recruitment process in which you expect to be completed with each stage entirely, i.e. when there shouldn't be any more candidates in a stage because they’ve been moved forward or rejected.
Stages containing a Deadline has a small calendar icon above its' name, and once you've passed the deadline for the stage it turns red. You'll be notified with a clear Deadline has passed warning at the bottom of the stage in question. The warning will go away as soon as you've emptied it, letting you know that you are back on track!
Set a deadline
Adding a deadline as a stage option can be done in two ways: from the recruitment process, and when setting up the job.
Add stage deadline from the recruitment process
To add the deadline directly in the recruitment process, hover over the specific stage and click the three dots in the top right corner. There, select Deadline and pick the date.
Add the stage deadline when you create the job
You can also set a stage deadline as you are creating or editing the job. Under the step Stages, select Stage actions and add Deadline and set the date.