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Analytics: Jobs report

Get valuable insights from your recruitment with different data points

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over 2 months ago

It’s no surprise that data and statistics play a part in successful recruitment. Insights from your previous/ongoing processes could make it easier for you and your recruitment team to work smarter going forward. This is why every job/recruitment process in your Teamtailor account, comes with a dedicated job report filled with data about your process.

All the data is displayed in widgets and if you want to view or export the data, you can do so by expanding the widget. Hover over one of the widgets and click the Expand button displayed in the top right corner. This will display the data behind the visualization and in some reports also provide more detailed data.

The data modal has its own date filter that allows you to see data for any period you prefer. Each column in the table can also be sorted by clicking on any of the column headings.

Finally, if you wish to export the data, you can download the data as a CSV file with the download button right next to the date selector.

Current pipeline

This first widget on the job report gives you an overview of the recruitment process right now.

❗ Please note that the data in the Current pipeline widget is not influenced by the date filter below it. Therefore the data displayed here may differ from the other reports.

Here you see the following data:



Total applications

The total number of candidates in your process, including sourced and referred candidates at this moment.


The total number of rejected candidates in the process at this moment.


The total number of applications in a stage with stage type Inbox at this moment.


The total number of applications in a stage with stage type Screening at this moment.


The total number of applications in a stage with stage type Interview at this moment.


The total number of applications in a stage with stage type Offer at this moment.

After you’ve made the first hire in this process, you’ll also see the following data points:



Avg. time to fill

Calculated as the time between when the job was first published and when a candidate was moved to the Hired stage.

Avg. time to hire

Calculated as the time between when a candidate applied and when they were moved to the Hired stage.


The audience section will give you insights about the job ad visitors and the metrics you might need to optimize it.


The Funnel report can be used to spot candidate drop-offs in the application process. The number between the steps is the conversion rate. It shows the % of visitors who proceeded to the next step.

💡 In the example above, you see that 772 people visited the job posting. Out of these visitors, 116 people (15%) opened the application form. Then, out of these 116 people, 98 (84%) submitted an application.

To see details such as Drop-off rate and Views, hover on a stage or expand the widget. The Drop-off refers to the percentage and number of visitors who left the page and did not proceed to the next step.


With this report, you can track the conversion rate of your job ads and see how your visits vs. applications progress over time.

💡The number to the right (18% in the example) is the conversion rate for the time period selected. If available, you can see a comparison with the previous time period underneath. For eg. if you are displaying data for the last 28 days, the comparison will be made with the 28 days before your chosen period.


This widget displays the top sources for the job ad. If you wish to see a list of all sources, you need to click on the Expand button to open the full report.

Traffic that couldn't be tracked or didn't come from another website will be displayed as No source.

After expanding the widget, you will also see the number of applications/hires that came from this source. If filled out you can also see the average rating of these candidates, to help you see what sources are giving you the top-rated candidates.


When you promote your job ads on an external channel, you will be able to track the success of each promotion in the Promotions report. Here the channel in question is listed along with how many page views and applications were generated from the promotion. Finally, you will see the average rating of candidates that came from that specific channel. This could be a great way to see which channels generate the best applications.


These reports contain all the metrics related to the recruitment process. Here you can for eg. follow the progress of your candidates through the pipeline or measure the quality of your candidate experience with the NPS data.

Pipeline overview

The Pipeline overview report lets you see how the candidates have progressed through the job stages in the selected time period. On the right, all the stages in the job are listed and these can be toggled on and off based on which stages you want to view.

When hovering over a bar, you can see the number of candidates in that stage vs. the total on the given day.

Average times

In this report, you can quickly get an overview of handling times in your job process. This will show how long your candidates stay in the Inbox stage on average and the average number of days before they are rejected or hired. This allows you to follow up on the efficiency of your recruitment, to ensure you’re meeting your recruitment goals.

Pipeline conversion

In the Pipeline conversion report, you can follow your candidates' journey through your recruitment process. This report displays a funnel of your candidates' movement in the job stages, and where they are dropping off.

In the Inbox stage, you will see the number of candidates who applied or were sourced* to this job during the selected dates. From here you follow how many reached each stage or were rejected compared to the total number of candidates from the Inbox stage.

*This includes candidates added both when sourcing directly to a job and when using the 'Add to job' option on an existing candidate.

Below the funnel, you can see how many % of candidates moved from one stage to another. For eg. all the candidates from the Offered stage also moved to the Hired stage meaning that the conversion rate between these stages is 100%

Hover over each colored block or expand the report for more details.

Pipeline speed

You can check out the Pipeline speed report to see the average time (in days) it takes a candidate to leave a specific stage in your process. Hover over a bar och expand the report to see the exact data.

​The black dotted line will display the average for the selected job. The purple dotted line will display the average within your company, working as your internal benchmark.

Reject reasons

As the name suggests, this report breaks down all of the reject reasons used along with the total number of rejected candidates. Learn more about Reject reasons here

The overview will display the number of rejections (in %) made by the company or the candidate.

You can also change the view by clicking the three grey buttons at the bottom. This will enable you to see the different reject reasons used when Rejected by company vs. Rejected by candidate.

NPS Score & Comments

The NPS Score report will show the NPS score for this recruitment along with a breakdown of the promoters, detractors, and passives. The number displayed on the badge next to the title (X in the example) indicates the number of NPS responses received.

In the report NPS responses you will see the comments (if any) left by candidates along with at which stage the NPS survey was received.

Read more about NPS and how it is calculated here

❗The NPS reports will only be shown if you have enabled the NPS feature in the Add-on feature center. If this is not enabled, these reports will not be presented.

All hires

The All hires report displays the candidates you’ve hired for this position. This report will display an overall metric for all hires, as well as the individual hired candidates by clicking the three grey buttons at the bottom. If you’ve only made one hire, you’ll only see one slide with the information of that candidate.




The date the candidate was moved into the Hired stage

Avg. time to fill

Calculated as the time between when the job was first published and when a candidate was moved to the Hired stage.

Avg. time to hire

Calculated as the time between when a candidate applied and when they were moved to the Hired stage.


In the Users section, the reports will contain the activity of the hiring team members. This section starts off by showing the most active users along with some key activities. A maximum of 5 users will be displayed in this part.


A full breakdown of all hiring activities of all members involved in this job will be shown in this widget. You can hover on each bar to see details.

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