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What does NPS stand for, and what are the benefits of measuring it?

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over 4 months ago

What is NPS? 

NPS stands for Net Promoter Score and is often used by companies to measure their satisfaction among their customers or employees. The score is measured by asking the recipient the following question:

How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?

The main goal of measuring NPS is to understand the satisfaction level of the recipients. This allows the company to address their feedback and ensure that every effort is made to enhance or maintain their satisfaction.

How can we measure NPS in Teamtailor?

In Teamtailor you can use NPS to measure how satisfied your candidates are with your recruitment process. This will grant your company valuable insights that you can use to improve your recruitment process and candidate experience.

A Company Admin user needs to activate this feature in the Add-on feature center to get started

Once the NPS feature has been activated in the account, go to the candidate profile and click More in the action bar. Here choose Send NPS survey to send and ask the candidate for feedback. If your candidate has applied to several jobs, you will be able to choose which job you would like to associate with this particular answer.

Once sent, you will see it added under the Net Promotor Score section on the candidate card. As soon as the candidate responds, their answers will be updated here.

Send out an NPS survey to several candidates at once using the Bulk feature. To automate this process, you can also add this as a Trigger.

What does the survey look like?  

Your candidates get an email with the subject "Help us get better". Your name and Company name will be the sender alias. Here's what the survey looks like ↓

After the candidate chooses a score, they're forwarded to a thank you page where they're encouraged to leave additional feedback.

If the candidate rates you with a 9 or a 10, they will get some confetti on the thank you page*. Don't we all love confetti? 🎉

*Make sure you have activated the Confetti feature found in your Global design settings in Content.

Analyze your scores

In Analytics → Overview → Recruitment → NPS, you will find several reports to help analyze your NPS scores.

Your score

This gauge chart displayed the NPS score for the selected period of time.


In this pie chart, you will be able to see the breakdown of the number of promotors, detractors, and passives for the selected time period.

Trend over time

This report will present all measure points (where NPS scores were received) during the selected time period. On each measuring point you will be able to see:

  • the daily average, based on all scores received.

  • a 30-day moving average, based on the total average counting 30 days back from the measuring point divided by the number of answers

NPS by stage type

With a heatmap visualization, this chart shows the NPS score (rejected, non-rejected, and total) for each stage type or specific stage. To see the heatmap for stages, simply tick the Stages box displayed in the right-hand corner. This chart is ideal for identifying opportunities to focus your efforts on improvement since it will show at which stage the candidate was when they answered.

NPS responses

This data table displays all the responses that have been recorded for the given time period. Based on the data you can communicate with the candidates and act on the feedback allowing you to improve your company's overall NPS score.




The score given by a specific candidate. The color represents if this candidate is a promoter (green), passive (gray), or detractor (red).


The candidate that gave this score. Click their name to access the candidate profile.


The job the NPS survey was sent in.


The stage the candidate was in when the NPS survey was sent. (rejected) means the candidate was rejected when receiving the survey.


The date the response was recorded.


When a candidate gives you a score they are asked to provide additional feedback, which is displayed here.

What does the score mean?

The recipient can answer the question "How likely are you to recommend a friend or colleague to apply for a job at {company_name}" with a number from 0 to 10. They are also given the option to give extra written feedback. 

Those who answer numbers between...

...9-10 are Promoters 🟢
...7-8 are Passive ⚪️
...0-6 are Detractors 🔴

The total Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of candidates who are Detractors from the percentage of candidates who are Promoters. Passives are not counted for the total score, but they increase the number of respondents, decreasing the percentage of detractors and promoters. A NPS can range from -100 to 100.

For example, if 60% of respondents are Promoters, 10% are Detractors, and 30% are Passives, the calculation would be: 60-10=50. This means your NPS would be 50.

What is considered a good candidate NPS score?
This is a question our support team hears quite often, but is not something we can answer as there are several factors (such as industry and company size) that decide what you can consider a good score. We advise you to check internally what a good score would be for your company!

It might be helpful to keep in mind that the NPS is a number from -100 to 100 and is calculated as the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors. Meaning, a positive score means your promoters outnumber your detractors, and the closer to 100 your score gets, the more promoters you have.

Why should we use it for our recruitment?

  • Unhappy candidates might spread negative opinions about your brand, which can be harmful when trying to build a good employer brand. Take the time to understand their thoughts and take action.

  • When people talk negatively about your brand, it can impact your company significantly. They might share their bad experiences not only with their friends and family but also on social media, affecting your brand's image and potentially slowing down your business.

  • Make NPS an important measurement at your company to learn what candidates think about your processes. Candidates are as important as customers, if not more, and everyone in your company needs to be aware of this.

  • Asking candidates for feedback on your recruiting process demonstrates your commitment to ensuring their satisfaction. Companies that make such efforts are likely to be rewarded.

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