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Job ID

Speed up your workflow by working with job IDs in Teamtailor

Arvid avatar
Written by Arvid
Updated over a month ago

Each job in Teamtailor has a unique ID. In this article, we will explain how you can work with these job IDs in Teamtailor, to improve and speed up your workflow. This workflow is especially helpful for admins, that have access to a lot of jobs within Teamtailor, or a lot of jobs with similar titles. The unique ID will help you differentiate your jobs.

How to find a job ID

The unique ID for each job can be found in the URL address. In this example, we can see that the ID for this job is 3681317.

How to use the job ID

Let's say you visit a job ad via your career site and realize that you want to edit the job:

  1. Copy the job ID from the URL address, and head over to the Jobs overview in Teamtailor.

  2. Click on any job in the list, and replace the ID of the relevant job in the URL address.
    Don't change anything else in the URL!

Lastly, you can also include the job ID in your Custom reports.

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