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Written by Daniel Ljungqvist
Updated over a week ago

Promote 🚀

20 000+ SoMe campaigns 1 400+ clients 90+ unique markets

The Promote team at Teamtailor has extensive experience running successful social media campaigns in 90+ markets for over 1,400 clients. Our expertise spans from global brands to local shops, giving us valuable insights into effective job advertising. In this article, we'll guide you through leveraging our Promote function to attract candidates on various social media platforms. Contact us at

If you find reading boring, here's Emelie explaining how our promote function works in a quick guide:

Harnessing Social Recruiting

Crafting compelling job ads is key to attracting candidates. We've created a guide to help you structure your ads effectively. Learn how Promote empowers you to tap into the power of social recruiting here.

Social Media Platforms for Job Advertising

Promote simplifies the process of finding your target audience on social media. Here are the platforms we support:

  • Small Package: Target LinkedIn members with relevant recommendations and job slots.

  • Medium or Large Package: Share visual posts on the LinkedIn feed to target specific locations, job titles, skills, and more.

  • Establish a personal connection with potential candidates in a casual environment. Use Instagram to showcase your brand's unique qualities.

  • Reach a broad audience and boost employer branding with immersive full-screen ads. Ideal for entry-level jobs and targeting millennials and Gen Z.

  • Drive traffic to your website and reach active job seekers among Google's vast user base. We'll help you navigate the advertising landscape.

Monitoring Performance

Track your campaigns using our application and make data-driven decisions. Key metrics to focus on include:

✅ Conversion funnel analysis ✅ Traffic sources ✅ Promotions

Here you can find more information on how to make more informed decisions with analytics.

Promote from Teamtailor empowers you to optimize your social media campaigns for effective job advertising. Our experienced team, diverse platform options, and robust analytics provide the tools and insights you need. Contact us at to get started on your next successful social media campaign.

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