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Gain complete insight and reports on all parts of your recruitment

Ester avatar
Written by Ester
Updated over a week ago

In your Teamtailor Analytics, you will be able gain complete insight and reports on all parts of your recruitment. Use this data to see how your team works together, highlight data and potentially set targets.

The career site data is tracked using our own page tracking tool.

The analytics feature consists of several different reports, ensuring that you have the data needed to make the right decisions. Below, you’ll find the links to articles going through the different reports in details. Happy reading 🤓

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Get insight on specific jobs analytics, including an overview of all your job postings.

Get a full breakdown of the activity in your team and how everybody is doing.

Create tailored reports with the different columns and filters you’re interested in seeing.

Get insight in your career sites audience, such as visitor stats and sources. Part of the Overview.

See an overview of how your recruitment processes are going, including reports on hires, reject reasons, and statistics from meetings. Part of the Overview.

Shows you the activity of your recruitment teams, including activity and referrals. Part of the Overview.

Get an overview of your current recruitment pipeline.

💬 Only Company admins and Recruitment admin can access the full analytics view.

First, let’s take a look at different components of your Teamtailor analytics, as well as some general how-tos.

Analytics overview/navigation

When you access the analytics page, you can immediately start getting insights into your recruitment game. First, you get an overview of your Current pipeline, and then a summary of different widgets.

At the top of the page, you find handy links to different reports (Overview, Jobs, Employees, Custom reports) and on the left hand side you see a list with more detailed reporting from the Audience, Recruitment, and Team reports.

Explore a widget in the overview

When looking at the Analytics overview, you have the option of getting a more detailed report by hover over the widget and clicking Report.

Apply job filters on your reports

To make it easier for you to view the data you’re interested in, you can apply a bunch of different filters on your reports. The filters you’re adding are based on your jobs, and can be combined to get the insights you need. The statistics displayed reflects the filter added.

💡 In the example above, we’ve applied filters to only see stats on the jobs posted within the Customer Support department and where the the job postings’ status is published. We’re also about to add a filter to only look at jobs posted in specific locations.

In some filters, such as the Location filter, you have the option to include several choices. In these cases, you’re able to decide if the filter should look at all or any of the options you’ve selected.

💡 To put this into practise, the difference between the filtering options above will be:

  • left screenshot - contains any: job postings that contains any of the three selected locations will be included.

  • right screenshot - contains all: only job postings that contains all three locations will be included, so if the job posting is only published in Paris this job isn’t included.

Which time period are you viewing?

By default, you will see the statistics from the last 28 days. You can change the period by clicking in the top right corner. Choose between the last 7, 14, 28 days or a specific time range to see your preferred time span. All reports are based on calendar days, meaning weekends are also included.

Note! In the default periods, there is a 1 day delay in Analytics so you will not be able to include today’s date in any report.

Export the raw data of your reports

You have the option to export the report you're currently looking at. To do so,  click Export to download a .csv file. 

Deleted candidates

If you delete a candidate from your talent pool, all the candidate's info is will be permanently deleted. However, you will still see the ghost of the candidate in your analytics, with a Deleted candidate. 

Get deeper insights

To get deeper insights to your analytics, we've made integrations with Google and Facebook. This means you will be able to your Google Analytics and Tag manager account, and add your Facebook pixel right in to your Teamtailor account! Go to Settings->Facebook/Google to set this up! 

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