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Partner: AFAS Profit (HR system)
Partner: AFAS Profit (HR system)

Learn how to automatically send candidates from Teamtailor to AFAS

Jelmer Stiekema avatar
Written by Jelmer Stiekema
Updated over 2 months ago

By activating the AFAS Profit integration, you'll be able to use triggers to automatically transfer candidates from Teamtailor to AFAS Profit. You can just create the candidate, or link candidates directly to the vacancies you have in AFAS.

With AFAS, you can streamline your HR processes and minimize administrative burdens by arranging salary processing, leave management, absenteeism tracking, and recruitment & selection all in one click. Enjoy the ease of having all HR-related matters in a single, user-friendly platform.

Getting started in AFAS Profit

To enable the integration between AFAS and Teamtailor, you connect your existing AFAS Profit account to Teamtailor. Note that you might have several AFAS environments (Production, Test, Accept) and you can connect Teamtailor to any of these environments, but each environment requires it's own set up and AFAS token.

First things first: the integration needs a set-up in AFAS Profit. This requires an AFAS admin account. The set-up takes 15-30 minutes.

Step 1. Create a new App connector

Log in to AFAS Profit and navigate to General > Management > App connector.

In the App connector menu you click New.

  1. Add a clear description / name for the App connector, for example 'Teamtailor integration'

  2. Switch on 'Generate a token automatically'

  3. Select 'Create a new user group based on App connector name'

  4. Make sure 'Create a new user based on App connector name' is selected

Click Next.

Step 2. Add the GetConnector and UpdateConnectors

Start by downloading the below connector file. You will have to import this file into AFAS.

List of vacancies.gcn

From the 'Actions' menu on the top you pick 'Import' to add the 'list of vacancies' GetConnector via the 'File' option. Click finish to import.

Then click Next.

In the next screen you can start adding the UpdateConnectors. You again pick 'New' and in the list of UpdateConnectors you search for the 'HrCreateApplicant' and 'HrApplicant' connectors. It's easiest to search for 'Applicant' in the Connector ID search box.

Select the UpdateConnectors and click 'Finish'.

Step 3. Collect your AFAS token​Now click 'Finish' to complete the creation of the App connector. This last step of the set up in AFAS will generate the AFAS token. You need this full token to connect AFAS to Teamtailor, for example:


⚠️ This token will be shown only once, so make sure to copy and store it securely before you close the window!

Getting started in Teamtailor

Now you can go into Teamtailor and find AFAS via the marketplace.

Step 1. Create an Admin Read api key in Teamtailor

Go into the settings of your Teamtailor account and open the tab with 'API keys'. Here you click to create a new API key (right upper corner).

Give the API key a descriptive name (for example AFAS API key), set the scope to 'Admin' and select 'Read'. If you create the API key with different setting it won't work for the AFAS integration.

Step 2. Activate AFAS in the marketplace of the Teamtailor application

Find AFAS in the Teamtailor marketplace and click activate.

Step 3. Add your AFAS credentials

You will be redirected to the activations page in your Teamtailor settings where you can add your AFAS credentials.

  1. AFAS member nr: you can find this number in AFAS Profit (top right corner). Only use the first letter and numbers, not the letters at the end. In this example it's A96837. Note: the starting letter corresponds to the AFAS environment you are in (O for production, A for Accept, T for Testing).

  2. AFAS token: paste the token you created during the AFAS set-up.

  3. Language: from the dropdown you pick the language you are using in AFAS Profit

  4. Teamtailor API key: from the dropdown you pick the Teamtailor Admin Read API key you created.

Click 'validate credentials'. When the credentials are accepted (green) you can finish the installation.

If the credentials are not accepted (red) you will need to go back to the AFAS set-up to check if you followed all the instructions. The 'validate credentials' checks if you have added both the UpdateConnectors, the GetConnector, and it validates if the AFAS token allows us to make requests.

Set up the custom fields in Teamtailor (optional)

By default the AFAS Profit integration transfers first name, last name, and email address. These are required fields to create applicants.

Besides the default fields you have the flexibility to add a wide variety of custom fields. To create new custom fields you go to the settings in your Teamtailor application and find 'custom fields'. Click 'new custom field' to start adding the fields. Read more here.

The integration offers two different methods of creating applicants in AFAS, both supporting a different set of custom fields.

In the sheet below you can find the available custom fields for both methods.

  • Create applicant in AFAS and link to vacancy (HrCreateApplicant) - choose which vacancy to link and whether to send the resume.

  • Create an applicant in AFAS (HrApplicant) - choose if you want to add bank and/or address details.

⚠️ Note: you are free to set the 'title' to any value, but the 'api name' has to match the Teamtailor custom field name from the sheet. Also make sure to use the correct 'field type'.

Note that some fields in AFAS only accept specific values, like country of birth and gender. Using other values will result into an error.

Set up the trigger in Teamtailor

Now the integration is activated you can head over to one of your jobs in Teamtailor. From the applications view, you should click on the Triggers symbol (1).

Select the stage from which you want the transfer to trigger by clicking the ➕ (2) in that stage. Candidates that are moved to this stage will be automatically be transferred to AFAS Profit.

Select Send AFAS webhook to add the trigger.

Complete the configuration by picking the action you like to use.

  1. Create applicant and link to vacancy

    1. Select to which vacancy in AFAS the candidate should be linked when the candidate is transferred to AFAS.

    2. Select if you also want to send the resume.

  2. Create applicant

    1. Select if you also want to send the bank data and address data of this candidate. This requires the set-up of custom fields in Teamtailor.

Click 'Add trigger' to complete the set up.

Note: the required fields on the candidate card for the AFAS integration are first name, last name and email address. Without these fields the integration will return an error.

Using the integration

Candidates that are moved to the stage where the AFAS trigger is added will be automatically transferred into AFAS.

On the candidate card you can see that the status (sending / sent).

Depending on the use method the candidate will be available in different modules of AFAS.

For Create applicant and link to vacancy you can work with the applicant in AFAS in different ways.

  • Go to the HR tab, got the block with 'Recruitment and selection' and find the candidate under Applicants. From there you can see the profile/dossier of the candidate, or click actions to start the workflow 'report start of employment'.

  • Go to the HR tab, pick Employee, click new and select the applicant to start creating a new employee.

  • Go to the HR tab, pick Vacancy, select the vacancy you are working on, find the applicants on the application tab.

  • Go to the CRM tab, pick Organisation/Person and find the candidate's profile here.

Also for Create applicant you can work with the applicant in AFAS in different ways.

  • Go to the HR tab, pick Employee, click new and select the applicant to start creating a new employee.

  • Go to the CRM tab, pick Organisation/Person and find the candidate's profile here.

The HR tab

The CRM tab

What data is transferred?

Once the AFAS integration is triggered the following information will be transferred between Teamtailor and AFAS:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email address

  • AFAS vacancies (if applicable)

  • Custom fields

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