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Analytics: Recruitment reports

Get an overview of how your recruiting is going

Ester avatar
Written by Ester
Updated over 3 months ago

In the Recruitment report, you can get insight into relevant information regarding your recruiting work. The more data, the better the decision-making, right?

In this article, you can get familiar with all the different recruitment reports. We’ve listed them below, with a link to where you





The charts displayed in the Analytics overview.

Pipeline overview

See an overview of the your pipeline, including number of candidates per stage everyday.

Pipeline speed

See an overview of the time spent on every step of the recruitment process.

Pipeline conversion

Follow a specific set of candidates to see their journey through your recruitment process/es.


Get insight in the hires made.


See data on the meetings you’ve booked via Teamtailor.

Assessment results

If you’re working with a test partner, the score distribution is displayed here.


Several reports to help analyze your Net Promote Score responses.

Jobs overview

Get an overview of all jobs that were active during the time period you’re reviewing

Reject reason

Get insight in why you reject candidates.

Overview charts

When looking at the overview of your analytics, and scrolling down to the Recruitment section, you’ll be presented with a few charts. These charts give you a quick insight into the metrics based on the time period you’re currently reviewing. By clicking on each widget, you’re directed to a more detailed report which are the ones mentioned in the table above.


See how many candidates you've hired over the period you're viewing, and some other related stats. A hired candidate is a candidate that you’ve moved to the stage Hired in a recruitment process. It’s the time of the move that the hire is counted.




The hired candidate. Click their name to access the candidate’s profile.


The job the hire was made for.


The hired candidate source. Read more about sources here.

Time to hire

The number of days it took between the candidate's application until they were moved to the Hired stage.

Hired at

The date the candidate's profile was moved to the Hired stage.

Quality of Hire

Each colored dot represents the quality of that hire. This data is collected from the Quality of hire evaluation.
🟢 = Good quality
🟡 = Pending (waiting for evaluation response)
🔴 = Poor quality
⚪️ = Not sent (no evaluation sent)

The Pipeline reports (overview, speed, and conversion)

Get insight into your recruitment pipeline by reviewing your pipeline reports. For a complete insight into your recruitment pipeline, you will see the following three reports: Pipeline overview, Pipeline speed, and Pipeline conversion. Read more about these reports here.


Get insight into the meetings you’ve booked using our calendar feature.

You’re presented with an overview of the total number of meetings booked, the frequency of meetings as well as how much time you’ve spent chatting with candidates. Keep in mind that a meeting is added to the analytics automatically after the meeting date has passed. This means you won’t see any upcoming meetings. If a meeting is cancelled, make sure to cancel it in Teamtailor too as it won’t be counted in the analytics.

Let’s take a closer look at what you see per meeting, as this is the base of all the summary metrics you see at the top of the page.




The date the meeting was held. This is the date selected for the meeting.

Meeting summary

The title of the meeting.


The name of the candidate that was invited to the meeting.


The job the meeting was scheduled for.


The location of the meeting. This corresponds to the location setting you’ve included when creating the invitation.

Participants (excl. candidate)

The number of team members that were invited to the meeting, excluding the candidate. These are the users you add under Team members when sending out the invite.

Duration (min)

The duration of the meeting. Keep in mind that this is the duration added in the invite, and not necessarily the actual time the meeting took.

Assessment results

If you work with one of our integrated partners for candidate assessments, you will see a report for Assessment results. Here you see a score distribution of the responses during the selected time period, a summary of the scores as well as insight per response.



Sent test completed

The number of sent tests that were completed (candidate submitted the result).

Average score

The average score of the tests result

Median score

The median score of the test results


The candidate that submitted the result. Click their name to access the candidate profile.


The specific candidates score

Partner name

The name of the partner of the assessment

Created at

The date the test was submitted


Get a full overview of all your Net Promotor Scores and feedback. This is a great place to work with your NPS and help improve the candidate experience. Check out the different reports available here!

Jobs overview

This report contains an overview of all active processes during the period you’re currently reviewing. An active job is a job that has at least one visit or one application

In this report, you see a summary of all active jobs as well as a detailed list of all jobs. Let’s look at all the metrics you can see in this report.



Total jobs

The total amount of active jobs during the period you're reviewing.

Avg. pageviews/job

The average amount of pageviews per job

Avg. applications/job

The average amount of applications per job

Avg. conversion rate

The average conversion rate on all jobs (Applications divided by Visits).

Per job

Each active jobs metrics


The name of the specific job.


The number of pageviews of the job.


The number of submitted applications to the job.


The number of candidates that’s been sourced into the job.


The total number of candidates (applied+sourced) in the job right now. Won't show candidates that were deleted. A list of these candidates will fold out if you click the number.

Conversion rate

The conversion rate for the specific job (applications divided by visits).

Avg. rating

The average rating of the candidates for the job.

Reject reason

In this report, you can get a breakdown of the reasons candidates were rejected. Learn more about setting up reject reasons here!

At the top of the page, you see an overview of all rejects. Then you see a visual presentation of the spread of reject reasons if the candidate was rejected by your company or if the candidate rejected you. Below the graph, you get insight per reject reason. Let’s take a closer look at the overview metrics.



Total rejects

The total number of candidates that were rejected during the period you're reviewing.

Rejected by us

The number of candidates that you rejected (rejected by the company).

Rejected by candidate

The number of candidates that rejected you (rejected by the candidate).

No reason

The number of candidates that were rejected without a reason (before this feature was implemented).

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