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Partner: TriNet (HR system)

Learn how to automatically send new hires from Teamtailor to Trinet

Jelmer Stiekema avatar
Written by Jelmer Stiekema
Updated over a week ago

By activating the TriNet integration, you'll be able to add triggers that automatically send hired candidates to TriNet.

TriNet is a professional employer organization, or PEO, that provides small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) with full-service HR solutions tailored by industry. To free SMBs from HR complexities, TriNet offers access to human capital expertise, benefits, risk mitigation and compliance, payroll and real-time technology.

Getting started in Teamtailor

To enable the integration between TriNet and Teamtailor, you connect your existing TriNet account to Teamtailor through our Marketplace page. Search for TriNet, and click Activate.

Step 1. Activate TriNet in the marketplace of the Teamtailor application

You will be redirected to the activations page in your Teamtailor settings where you can add your TriNet credentials. The credentials are a combination of the TriNet API key, API secret, and your organisation ID. Example credentials (api key|api secret|organisation id): 12AB3CD|4E56FG|123

If you want to connect multiple TriNet instances to your Teamtailor environment, you can multiple credentials (one per line).

How to find your TriNet credentials:
• Login to TriNet (

• Select Admin

• Manager view

• Choose "Integration Center"

• Under "My Connected Apps" scroll down to "TriNet API" and select "Get Started"

• Choose "Teamtailor" from the dropdown and agree to the terms

• You will be prompted with your API Key, Secret, and Organisation ID to enter into Teamtailor to enable the integration.

Step 2. Add your TriNet credentials

Required custom fields

Note: there are multiple required custom fields you need to set up in Teamtailor, to make the TriNet integration work. The minimum required fields that need to be completed on the candidate card are first name, late name, start-date and country.

You find the custom fields setting in your Teamtailor account. Go to the settings in your Teamtailor application and find 'custom fields'. Click 'new custom field' to start adding the below fields (only field type and title need to be defined).

The first value is the required name for the custom field in Teamtailor, and the second is the name of the corresponding field in TriNet.

  • start-date: startDate

  • country: country

Optional fields

There are various standardized optional fields available for the TriNet integration. You can add these custom fields to Teamtailor to transfer more candidate information.

Note: only the indicated fields are available to transfer, there is no possibility to transfer other custom fields.

  • birth-date: birthDate

  • ethnicity: ethnicity

  • gender: gender

  • military-status: militaryStatus

  • national-id: nationalId

  • business-title: businessTitle

  • compliance: compliance

  • flsa-code: flsaCode

  • job-code: jobCode

  • job-duties: jobDuties

  • workers-comp-code: workersCompCode

  • workers-comp-state: workersCompState

  • custom-group-a: customGroupA

  • custom-group-b: customGroupB

  • dept-id: deptId

  • percentage: percentage

  • location-id: locationId

  • pay-group-id: payGroupId

  • regular-temporary: regularTemporary

  • seniority-date: seniorityDate

  • standard-hours-per-week: standardHoursPerWeek

  • supervisor-id: supervisorId

  • work-email: workEmail

  • address-1: address1

  • address-2: address2

  • city: city

  • county: county

  • email: email

  • phone: phone

  • postal-code: postalCode

  • state: state

  • comp-frequency: compFrequency

  • comp-rate: compRate

  • estimated-annual-wages: estimatedAnnualWages

  • benefit-class-id: benefit-class-id

  • future-benefit-class-id: futureBenefitClassId

  • floating-holidays: floatingHolidays

  • personal-time: personalTime

  • sick: sick

Set up the trigger in Teamtailor

Now the integration is activated you can head over to one of your jobs in Teamtailor. From the applications view, you should click on the Triggers symbol (1).

Select the stage from which you want the transfer to trigger by clicking the ➕ (2) in that stage. Candidates that are moved to this stage will be automatically transferred to TriNet.

Select Send TriNet webhook to add the trigger.

Now you select your Organisation ID. If you have multiple TriNet instances connected to your Teamtailor account you will get multiple options. Click 'Add trigger' to complete the set-up.

What data is transferred?

Once the TriNet integration is triggered the following information will be transferred between Teamtailor and TriNet:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Country

  • Start Date

  • Custom fields

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