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Partner: PayFit (Payroll)

Learn how to automatically send candidates into PayFit

Jelmer Stiekema avatar
Written by Jelmer Stiekema
Updated today

By activating the PayFit integration, you'll be able to add triggers that automatically send candidates into your PayFit platform.

PayFit revolutionizes SMB payroll and HR management with its all-in-one SaaS solution. With PayFit, payroll management is fully automated, from processing variables to social declarations, automatically integrating legal and conventional updates. This automation extends to personnel management, allowing for the digital centralization of employee records and smooth management of contracts and HR documents.

With the Teamtailor x PayFit integration you can fully automate your recruitment!

Getting started in Teamtailor

To enable the integration between PayFit and Teamtailor, you connect your existing PayFit account to Teamtailor through our Marketplace page.

Make sure to be logged in to your PayFit account and head over to the Teamtailor marketplace in your account. Search for PayFit and simply click 'activate'. You will be redirected to PayFit to accept the access request via OAuth. Accepting the access request might require a PayFit admin user account.

Step 1. Activate PayFit in the marketplace of the Teamtailor application

Step 2. Accept the access request in your PayFit account

Set up the trigger in Teamtailor

Now the integration is activated you can head over to one of your jobs in Teamtailor. From the applications view, you should click on the Triggers symbol (1).

Select the stage from which you want the transfer to trigger by clicking the ➕ (2) in that stage. Candidates that are moved to this stage will be automatically be moved into PayFit.

Select Send PayFit webhook to add the trigger.

Note: The fields first name, last name, email, job title and start date are mandatory. These fields always need to be filled for the transfer to PayFit to work.

Start date is a custom field that needs to be created in Teamtailor. The integration supports the transfer of various other custom fields, you can find a list down below in this support article.

Set up custom candidate fields

You can transfer several custom candidate fields from Teamtailor to PayFit. For this you need to set up some custom fields on your Teamtailor account. Go to the settings in your Teamtailor application and find 'custom fields'. Click 'new custom field' to start adding custom candidate fields.

Note: Make sure to use the exact wording for the api-name of the custom candidate fields. This is required for the system to understand where to put the data in PayFit. You can set the api-name under the api settings when creating the custom field.

In Teamtailor every custom field has a 'title' and an 'api name'. You can set the title to anything you like, but you have to make sure the 'api name' exactly matches the name in the pdf. So for example to transfer data to the PayFit field 'address first line' you need to create a text type candidate custom field in Teamtailor with the api name 'address-first-line'.

Mandatory custom fields

For the integration to work the 'start date' is a mandatory custom field. Create a field with the type 'date' and api name 'start-date'. The title of the custom fields is flexible for you to decide.

The other mandatory fields (first name, last name, email, job title) are default fields in Teamtailor and hence don't need to be created, but they do need to be filled out for the integration to work.

Optional custom fields

Besides the mandatory fields the integration also supports several optional fields. Please find the overview in the below pdf. These fields you do need to create in your Teamtailor platform using the correct api name and field type.

Teamtailor PayFit - custom fields.pdf

Note: Some custom fields require specific input (e.g. Gender only works with Male/Female, and birth country requires the two letter country code under the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format).

Set up 'question & answer' to transfer data

There is an additional option to transfer data from Teamtailor to PayFit. Within Teamtailor you can set up questions to ask to candidates. These questions and answers show on the candidate card.

Using this integration, besides (custom) fields, you can also transfer the candidate's answers to PayFit. For example by asking the question 'What is your birth country?' the answer can be transferred to the 'birth country' field in PayFit.

It's important to precisely plan the mapping of the Teamtailor questions/answers:

  • In the custom field pdf you find 'key words' for each field. The key word must occur in the Teamtailor question to map it to PayFit. If social security number needs to be transferred to PayFit, the question in Teamtailor should include the exact text 'social security number'.

  • There shouldn't be multiple questions using the same key words, otherwise the data might be transferred to the wrong fields.

  • The data transferred via questions can be overwritten by creating custom fields.

Using the integration

When the integration is triggered this will create an 'onboarding employee' in PayFit.

Below you already see the name, job title and start date transferred.

From here you can process your usual process for onboarding candidates. By opening the onboarding employee you can see that, based on the custom fields you transferred, other data are completed too.

What data is transferred?

Once the PayFit integration is triggered the following information will be transferred. This however depends on the custom fields that you've set up, by default only first name, last name, email and start date are transferred.

Need support?

Contact Teamtailor directly via:


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