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Reject a candidate's job application
Reject a candidate's job application

Keep your process relevant by rejecting job applications no longer being considered

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated yesterday

When a candidate is no longer active in the recruitment process, it's time to Reject their job application. This will remove them from the active pipeline, optionally send a rejection email, and update your data reports accordingly.

Rejecting a job application

When viewing the candidate card, you will see one or two of the following options Quick reject* and Reject displayed in the action bar.

* Quick reject needs to be enabled before shown as an option, see further instructions below

Reject options

When rejecting a candidate's job application, you fill out a short form that consists of the following:

  • Reject reason: Select the reason for the rejection

  • Reject message: Choose if a reject message via email should be sent as you reject their job application

  • Template: If you want to use one of your message templates when rejecting their job application, you select it from this list

  • Delay: Decide if you want the reject message to be sent with a delay

  • Customize message: Sending a completely customized reject email to the candidate

In the example above, the candidate's job application would be rejected with the reason "Lacking desired qualifications". A reject message will be sent directly, and the message will use the "Default reject email" template.

Quick reject

Quick reject is a feature that can be added at any stage within a job to optimize the rejection process. This will allow you to reject job applications with predefined reject options to save time.

To set it up, click More on a stage within the job process, and here toggle on Quick reject. Select the reject reason, decide if you want to send a reject message and finally on Save settings.

When reviewing job applications within that stage, you will see the Quick reject option in the action menu when opening a candidate card. Clicking it will reject the candidate's job application based on the preselected options.

If Quick reject is set up, you will see a little 🚫 symbol next to the stage name. Hovering over it will preview the setup.

In the example above, the Quick reject option will be visible on all candidates in the Inbox stage. Using it will reject the candidates job applications using the reject reason "Lacking relevant experience" and a reject email will be sent with a 3h delay.

Reject several job applications at once

You can reject several job applications at once within a job process. To do this, activate bulk select in the top right corner and mark the candidates you want to reject. Then, in the action menu click ⋮ More → Reject

Reject active application when archiving a job

When archiving a job, you will be prompted to reject any job applications still in the active process first before archiving the job. This way you ensure your candidates receive an update and the process is completed.

Choose the reject reason and decide if you want to send a reject message or not, once you are finished, click on Archive job. The job status will be updated to Archived and the candidates job applications will be rejected based on what was selected.

If any of the active candidates have been sourced, a message will be prompted informing you about this:

Sender of the reject message

When you reject the candidate with an email, this will be sent from either the main recruiter in the job or yourself. Here are the two different scenarios:

1. Recruiter manager

When you use an email template, the sender of this email will be the main recruiter of the job. This goes for all email templates, including the Default reject message for that job, or any other template added.

2. You / The user that clicks 'Reject'

If you customize the message before sending, the user who clicks 'Reject with email' will be the sender. Note that just clicking Customize message is enough to change the sender even if you don't change any of the content in the email.

Unrejecting a job application

Once a candidate has been rejected, their data is intact but rather moved to the Rejected part of the job process. This is to help ensure the Active job process view stays relevant.

The candidates, along with their job applications, can still be accessed from here. On the candidate card you will also find the option to Unreject their application, moving it back to the Active job process again.

A candidate's job application may, for example, be reconsidered due to internal reevaluation, hiring needs changing, or an offer by another candidate declined.

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