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Evaluate the quality of your hires
Evaluate the quality of your hires

Use our Quality of Hire feature to determine whether the recruitment efforts led to the right hire for the job

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over 2 months ago

The impact of a great hire on your business cannot be overstated. However, effectively evaluating candidates is often more challenging than expected. Finding the right hire not only improves your business but also saves costs in the long run.

Our Quality of Hire evaluation helps you assess if the recruitment efforts resulted in suitable hires. The evaluation is automatically sent after a set evaluation period, allowing you to reflect on whether you would rehire them. Additionally, you can score the new hire's skills and traits to identify areas for improvement in your recruitment process.

Read more about how to improve the quality of hire and why it matters more than ever here:

How does it work

An evaluation will be scheduled for the user recipient each time a candidate is moved to a Hired stage with the Quality of Hire trigger added. The default recipient will be the main recruiter of the job.

After the set period the evaluation is sent out automatically to the recipient.

In this email, they will answer the following question:

Would you hire [candidate_name] again for this role?

Clicking Yes or No takes them to a page where they can add any additional feedback and confirm their response.

Any Skills & Traits with assigned weight added to the job process will also be available for evaluation.

If the Skills & Traits were evaluated during the job process through an Interview kit, you can also see the Job Match Score difference between your new and previous scores.

Schedule evaluation

Set up the evaluation to be sent automatically once a candidate is hired by adding it as a trigger in the Hired stage.

Finally set up the period before the evaluation should be sent and any other preferred settings. Click Add trigger at the bottom to complete the setup.

It is also possible to schedule the Quality of Hire evaluation manually for any candidate in a Hired stage. In the candidate card's action bar, click Schedule Quality of Hire evaluation.

Here you will have the option of choosing a different user instead of the main recruiter. Before saving, you can schedule when the evaluation should be sent out to the recipient.

Evaluation results

The submitted evaluation will be visible to all Admins and the user who responded in the Quality of Hire section on the candidate card. This means it will not be accessed by all users with access to the candidate by default.

Quality of hire report

The evaluation will also be added to the Hires report in Analytics to show you the quality of hires over time.

In the graph, you can see all hires displayed over time and their time to hire. Each colored dot represents the quality status of that hire:

🟢 = Good quality
🟡 = Pending (waiting for evaluation response)
🔴 = Poor quality
⚪️ = Not sent (no evaluation sent yet)

At the top of the report, you will find the percentage of qualitative hires among all hires where an evaluation has been sent out.

Calculation behind the ratio:
Out of all evaluations (Good, Poor or Unknown*) how many % were Good?
​We do not include candidates who have not been sent an evaluation or that are pending.

*If a candidate has received an equal amount of Good and Poor evaluations, they are considered as 1 Unknown evaluation.

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