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Restricted access

Our Restricted Access feature allows you to control access to specific areas of your recruitment process

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated this week

Transparency and information sharing are important in a hiring team during recruitment. However, some information may be more sensitive and not necessary for all team members to access. In such cases, you can use our Restricted Access feature to limit access to specific candidate data, recruitment stages, or features.

A Company Admin user needs to activate this feature in the Add-on feature center to get started


Included in this add-on are three different features for restricting access:



This feature allows you to restrict access to specific candidates for certain hiring team members.

This may be used if a candidate card contains sensitive information, typically towards the end of the process.

This feature allows you to restrict access to specific parts of the recruitment process for certain hiring team members, hiding both the stages and the candidates within.

This may be used if a user should only access and focus on applications in certain parts of the recruitment process.

This feature allows you to assign a hiring team role limiting their access to job-related actions.

This may be used if a user's focus should be on reviewing and evaluating rather than managing the recruitment process.

Restrict Candidate Access

When restricting the candidate, their profile is restricted throughout all job processes they belong to and the candidate bank. This ensures sensitive topics can be discussed more securely.

After a candidate has been restricted, the candidate card is only accessible to users with the following user roles:

  • Company Admin

  • Recruitment Admin

  • Recruitment Lead (with access to the candidate through a Hiring team or Group)

These users will be able to view and interact with the candidate like normal. For them, it will be clearly stated in the platform that the candidate is restricted. This is displayed both in the job overview with the Restricted access icon as well as inside the candidate card.

Users with previous access to the candidate will still be able to see that the person exists in their process and candidate bank, but will no longer be able to open or interact with the candidate card. The candidate is greyed out, and if trying to open it, they’ll see a gentle reminder that the candidate is restricted.

There are several ways for you to restrict a candidate, let’s go through them one by one.

Manually restrict a candidate

If you have one candidate you want to restrict access to, this is easily done directly on the candidate card. Click the at the top of the page and toggle Restrict access.

Manually restrict several candidates

Say you have several candidates you wish to restrict access to at the same time, you can do this in a matter of clicks with the bulk feature. To do so, enable the Bulk select (1), and select the candidates you want to restrict (2). In the bulk action menu, click the ... (3) to see more options, and here, you’ll find Set as restricted.

Automatically restrict candidates using a trigger

You are also able to automate the candidate restriction by adding it as a Trigger. This means that every time you move a candidate to the stage in question, the candidate will automatically be restricted.

To activate this trigger, go to your job process and activate the Triggers view (1). Then, on the stage you wish to restrict candidates, click + Add trigger (2) and select the Restrict access trigger (3).

Un-restrict a candidate

If you’d like to make the candidate available for all users again, you simply go to the candidate card, click at the top of the page, and toggle off Restrict access.

Please note that all interactions made with the candidate while restricted will be available for all users once unrestricted.

Restrict Stage Access

Within a job process, a Company or Recruitment Admin can restrict access to specific stages for the hiring team members. This ensures each member only sees the parts of the process they should be helping out with.

Stage access can be managed through the hiring team modal available in the job process view. The unmarked stages will be hidden from the user in the job process.

Restricted stage access can be applied for the following user roles:


Users with restricted stage access can only see the Applications tab in the job process displaying the stages they have been granted access to. They will also not receive Hiring team notifications related to the job in question.

Hiring Manager and Recruitment Lead users with restricted stage access will only be able to edit the stages they have access to in the job editing mode.


Candidates in stages restricted to the user will not be visible in the candidate bank. However, if a candidate has multiple job applications across different jobs and the user is restricted from only one of them, the candidate will still appear under the Candidates tab. In this case, only data from the non-restricted job processes will be visible.

Hiring Team Role: Reviewer

This role gives admin users greater control over who can perform specific actions within a hiring team. A hiring team member can be set as a Reviewer, applying certain restrictions within the job process and candidate management. This role focuses on reviewing and evaluating candidates, rather than managing the recruitment process.

A Reviewer can be set in the Hiring Team modal, available in the job process view.

The Reviewer role can be applied for the following user roles:


A Reviewer will be restricted in the same way regardless of their role. They cannot edit the job and will only have access to the Applications, Activity, and Calendar tabs in the job process.


A Reviewer can access all candidates they would normally see in a job, but their actions are limited. They can view candidate information, review candidates, add comments and to-dos, participate in meetings, and submit interview feedback.
However, they are restricted from managing candidates, for example, when it comes to editing, moving, or rejecting them. Below is a summary of the restrictions within the candidate cards:

Candidate card



A Reviewer does not have access to the Messages tab.


To reduce potential bias a Reviewer can only access their own evaluations in the following sections:

  • Interview kit feedback

  • Job match breakdown

And they will not have access to the following sections:


They can only access the following actions for the candidate:

  • Comment

  • Add to-do

  • Add review

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