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Candidate status

An overview of the different candidate statuses displayed in Teamtailor

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over a week ago

All your candidates will have one, or several, candidate statuses. Let’s take a closer look at them and what they show you:

General statuses

💡 The general candidate statuses can be used to filter in your talent pool (the Candidates tab) by applying the Candidate status filter


Candidates who have made an application to one of your jobs will have the status Applied. Note that this status will be available in the Application status section.


Candidates who have connected with your company get this status. Read more about Connect here.


Candidates that have been manually added to your system are marked as Sourced. You can read more about this here.


When a visitor writes in your candidate chat, a candidate profile will be created and assigned the status Lead. Think of this as a lead for a potential candidate. Learn more about the Candidate chat here.


Candidates who have been referred by one of your users will be marked with the status Referred. Get more insight into how referrals work here.


If you are working with internal recruitment, your internal candidates will have this status added to their candidate profile. Read more about internal recruitment here.

Sourced externally*

If you’re working with external recruiters, you’ll see this status on candidates sourced by an external recruiter. This filter can be found under the other External recruitment filters. Read more about external recruiters here.

*These statuses are connected to add-on features, more on that here.

Privacy statuses

To help manage the status of your candidates' privacy permissions and requests, you will be able to see their statuses listed under Candidate status in your candidate bank. Read more about the different statuses available and how you can filter on them here.

Other statuses


Connected candidates who have disabled job subscriptions will have this status added to their candidate card. Read more about how candidates can manage their job subscriptions here.


Candidates that have been shared externally will have this status added to their candidate card. Read more about sharing candidates here.

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