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Security & Compliance
Security & Compliance

Here we have compiled articles where we answer Teamtailor Security and Compliance questions as well as explain our GDPR features

Security overviewOur information security management system is based on industry best practices and we are accredited under SOC 2. Learn more here
Teamtailor SLA statementWe priorities high quality and availability of our service
Different regions for data processingLearn more about where we offer data processing and storage
List of sub-processors for customers using our EU RegionThe list of sub-processors engaged by the Teamtailor group was updated April 19, 2024
Customize your Privacy PolicyUpdate your Privacy policy for the career site.
Collect permissionsDecide how to collect permissions from candidates applying, connecting, and being manually sourced into the system
Audit LogKeep track of activity in the system using Audit Log.
Recruit safely with the AntiVirus ScannerTeamtailor scans all files uploaded to candidate’s profile to detect viruses
Keep your candidate database relevantMake sure you only store relevant candidate data
Candidate Data and Privacy featureData & Privacy feature, where we empower candidates to handle their data as they see fit
How to add a custom script that sets cookiesLearn how to add a custom script that sets cookies, which only runs if the visitor has accepted the relevant cookies
Automatically remove your candidates dataEffortlessly streamline compliance and maintain a purposeful database
Cookies: How to inform and collect consentMake sure your career site complies with the legal requirements on use of cookies
Manage collected permissionsLearn how to manage candidates permissions by configure their validation time and renewal requests
Frequently Asked Questions: GDPR 🤓Answering the most common questions we receive regarding GDPR and Teamtailor
Teamtailor and the new international data transfer agreementsRead more about the EU-US Data Privacy Framework
Collect and manage permissions for an existing candidate poolLearn the process of how to start collecting and managing permission with an already existing pool of candidates
The new EU AI Act - what it means for recruiting with Teamtailor
Request a copy of your candidate dataLearn how a candidate can request a copy of their data