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Customize your dashboard

Team-tailor your Teamtailor dashboard

Nora avatar
Written by Nora
Updated over a month ago

Every company has its own unique approach to recruitment, so why not ensure your Teamtailor dashboard reflects that? Tailor this view to include the information you and your team need.

Start by navigating to the Widget library in the top right corner of your dashboard. Click the widgets you want to use and drag and drop them in place. If you want to remove a widget, delete it by clicking the X.

Company / Your widgets

As a Company Admin, you can add widgets that will be displayed for all users in your account. Simply drag and drop them above the dashed line. Please also note that some widgets are only accessible by certain access roles for eg. Data & privacy.

All widgets added below the dashed line will only show up on your personal dashboard.

Widget library

All widgets with the infinity icon (∞) next to them can be added unlimited times. Other widgets can only be added once.

📆 Calendar

The Calendar/Upcoming meetings widget gives you a quick overview of all the upcoming meetings you have scheduled for the coming month.

The dates with dots underneath are indications that you have a meeting/s planned that day.

(see the 11th and 30th in the screenshot)

📈 Career stats

This widget is only accessible by your Company admins.

The Career stats widget gives you a quick insight in last weeks statistics on your career site.

At a glance, you’ll see:

  • Number of visits and a comparison to past week

  • Number of applications submitted, as well as a comparison to past week

  • Number of connects done, including a comparison to past week

📣 Custom message

With the Custom message widget, you can add whichever message you want. This is a great place to include general information for your users on the platform.

Maybe share your company values or internal guidelines?

🕵️ Data & privacy

This widget is only accessible by your Company admins.

The Data & privacy widget gives you an insight into the current status of your candidates data permission.

Click on the number to be linked directly to this segment in your candidate bank.

💡 Did you know...

Add the Did you know... widget for tips & tricks from the Teamtailor team.

🖼️ Image

Add image/s to your Teamtailor dashboard.

Why not share a picture of the entire team from your last company activity?

🧑‍💻 Internal jobs

Working with our add-on feature Internal recruitment?

The Internal jobs widget allows you to list internal jobs directly on the dashboard, including an apply button.

Note that this widget is available after first enabling the feature in the Add-on feature center.

🥳 Latest hire

This widget is only accessible by your Company admins.

The Latest hire widget will display the last hired candidate (=last candidate that was moved to the hired stage).

The hire widget is updated once per day.

🧑‍💻 My jobs

In the widget called My jobs, you will see all the jobs you’re a part of the hiring team for, with the status Active*.

You’ll also see some helpful indicators, like unread applications, overdue candidates, and when the last application was received.

* Active jobs include all jobs with an active recruitment process, meaning jobs with the status Published, Unlisted, and Expired. Read more about job statuses here.

🏄‍♂️ My onboardings

If your company is using our add-on feature Onboard hired candidates you will be able to add the My onboardings widget.

This will display onboardings that you have access to through an onboarding team.

Note that this widget is available after first enabling the feature in the Add-on feature center.

📋 My requisitions

If your company is using our add-on feature Requisitions you will be able to add the My requisitions widget.

This will display requisitions awaiting your approval as well as requisitions created by yourself.

Note that this widget is available after first enabling the feature in the Add-on feature center.

✔️ My to-dos

The My to-dos widget is a great way to make sure your users stay on top of the to-dos they have added or been assigned.

🎊 Product updates

Stay on top of your Teamtailor game by adding the Product updates widget, which pushes updates made in our platform.

😺 Random GIF

To spread some joy in your dashboard, you have the option of adding a Random GIF widget. This widget will randomly display a GIF to your team.

You can limit the range of GIFs that will be displayed by adding search terms. Only gifs within those search terms are displayed.

Click the GIF to watch another one.

🔗 Recent connects

The Recent connects widget will display a list of the candidates that recently connected with your company.

Please note that non-admin users need to have access to a Team to see this widget.

🧩 Segment

The Segment widget will show you a preview and quick links to a Candidate segment of your choosing.

The segment will preview the five latest candidates (based on creation date) in the segment.

When adding the widget, you choose between your personal segments and company segments available for your user.

Personal segments will only be viewed by your user on the dashboard.

🤳 Team stories

Display your employees shared stories using the Team Stories widget. The stories are posted through the Teamtailor app.

Read more about Team stories and how to get started using it!

Note that this widget is available after first enabling the feature in the Add-on feature center.

🧘🏾 Tranquility

The Tranquility widget focuses only on your well-being.

By adding it on your dashboard it will remind you to take breaks and relax during the day.

Breathe in...breathe out...

📹 Video

Add videos to your dashboard using the Video widget!

Either record a video using your device’s camera or add a video from YouTube or Vimeo.

This is a great way to share information in a more fun and dynamic way with all of your team members.

👋 Looking for the Employee dashboard? Check it out here!

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