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Career Site & Content
Create and design your career site and its content
Building your career siteAttract and hire the best talents for your company by designing your career site
Career sites in multiple languagesReach and attract top talent in different markets with our multilingual feature
Preview your content before publishingSave, collaborate, and preview your content updates before making them public on your career site
Use a Custom Domain for your Career SiteLearn how to connect your own domain to your Teamtailor career site
Redirect your career siteLearn how to redirect visitors to your own site
Use your Teamtailor career site as your main websiteLearn how to use your Teamtailor career site as your primary website by adding a custom domain
Accessibility on your career siteHow to make your career site more accessible
Optimize SEO for your career siteLearn how to improve a website’s visibility in search results and attract more visitors through effective SEO strategies
Content: Sharing imageMake sure your career site and pages all have sharing images to enhance their visibility
Content: Global designSet the foundational design of your career site's pages, including logos, typography, and colors
Add your company logo and faviconGive your career site and communication a branded look by adding your company's logotypes
Customize fonts on your career siteLearn how to change fonts on your career site using default or custom options
Applying custom code to your careers siteHow to add your own HTML, CSS and JavaScript to your careers site
Content: Default pagesExplore the pages automatically generated in Content and learn how they are set up
Content: Custom pagesAdd targeted content by creating your own custom pages in Content
Location pagesHighlight the unique qualities of each location by customizing your location pages
Lead pagesEngage passive talent by encouraging an initial conversation instead of an application
Campaign pagesAdd targeted content by creating your own custom pages in Content
Share content and updates using PostsEngage your career site visitors by publishing company updates and relevant content
Design your own templates for your job adsChoose which content should be displayed after the description in your job ads
Add a page to your career menuIncrease traffic to your pages by adding them in your career site navigation
Global blocksReuse content blocks across your career site
Content block: Call to actionUse a Call to action block to convert passive visitors into active applicants
Content block: CoverMake a strong first impression of your company by using the Cover block
Content block: InfographicHighlight key numbers on your career site
Content block: JobsLearn how the Jobs block work on your career site
Content block: ListsShow your company values to your candidates
Content block: PeopleHighlight your team of talented people on your career site
Content block: Social widgetsDisplay your social media account posts on your career page
Content block: TestimonialShare Testimonials from your employees
Content block: Tile & linkLink to other websites/pages
Content block: Workplace & CultureShowcase your workplace culture on your career site